These street scenes bring Blackpool’s earlier days back to life.

Warbreck Road which is now named Dickson Road looking from Warley Road towards the old Duke of Cambridge Hotel which can be seen at the far end of the road, 1920
From the centre of Oxford Square, complete with a tram, to Fairyland, one of the resort’s earliest entertainment centres, these photos provide a peek into the life of yesteryear…

Highfield Road in 1932

Oxford Square in Marton during World War II. Kerb stones and lamposts are painted to be noticed during blackouts

Pleasant Street at the junction with Egerton Road

Blackpool Police station, South King street opened in 1893 and demolished in the 1970s

Stanley Park in 1926 at th gates near Mere Road

Whitegate Drive in the 1940’s

This photo shows Market Street From Talbot Square. The Clifton Hotel is on the right and beyond the cyclist (with what appears to be a plank across his back ) there is a stall on the corner of the old St John’s Market

Lytham Road shops close to the junction with Waterloo Road. According to a plaque this terrace of shops was built in 1892. Seen here in the 1950s the shops include from the left Greenhalgh’s ladieswear ( only partly seen), Frank Harbron grocers, J.W. Smith menswear, E.A. & M.A. Smith bakery and cafe and J.L.Dawson Cook dispensing chemist and opticians.

Wilkinson’s Yard, off Bonny Street in 1937. The V shaped roofs of Central Station can be seen above the property at the end of the yard.

Fairyland at the junction of Central Promenade and Chapel Street in 1925